Sunday, June 17, 2007

busy friday

the last friday was so busy that i didnt sleep for more than 36 hours!!
crazy or whut... this is all thanx to the coffee i had khamis malam. simply cos i have to drive the car from kuantan to temerloh. since i've stopped taking coffee after habes first yr, the effect of the coffee mmg kuat until once i arrived in kelana jaya at 3.30 am, i couldnt sleep until la finally i have to get up n get ready at 6. arghhhhhh....headache tahap crazy beb.

dah la abg tengku made a sudden change in plan last minute. he wants me to be at the bangsar lrt station at 7am. at first it was taman jaya at 7.30am.

however, i made it there at 7.10am. lol beli coffee (lagi) and some bread. cos i need to take panadol. once i got there, kene kerja terus jadi urusetia registration kat seminar tuh. haha hectic syal. dah la im the youngest, so it is a lil hard to work with these older ppl. huhu. and ppl keep asking me question that i dont know the answer. adeihhhh. first time keje teruk cmni and i MISSED breakfast. crazy tol. lapar gile haha. so mase ceramah, kami geng2 AYTR blah n pegi makan. haha. this time around my kaki dah saket tahap kritikal, thanks to the high heels. haha i do look good in them. haha fashion is a crime to human body.

this is the shoe that gave me all the pain.....

around 4pm, i couldnt stand it anymore...mmg dah blur sangat2 sebab dah tak cukup tido. so pujuk la mukhlis utk hanta. mus pon tenbam amat. dah tak jadi the hot stuff yg farisa slalu: darn, kacak juge mamat ni. lol haihh sejak buat bisness, i guess he is too busy to even care for his appearance. humm. tapi mus ni dok flirt ngan saye pula these 2 days. hahaha, nak gelak plak. but i know die main2 je. semua org pon die nak flirt. maka, terbit la skandal farisa ngan mus pulak. humm ape2 la...the only thing i told them: farisa slalu hidup ngan skandal, tak penah lari from that. huhu.

mus and farisa dulu2

then, malam menjelma. huhu pegi BBQ kat ridz. darn, tak sabar nak jumpe mereka. bile kak farah nmpak, ape lagi menjerit2 la kami. haha. as always, kami la yg plg loudspeaker situ. i got to meet few juniors. tak kurang juge yg tak perkenalkan diri pon pada farisa yg GLAM ni. lol. but, ade sorang junior...hensem giler!! icpu beb. haha, but i didnt talk to him. better hang aroung ppl that i know. ashrul, arif and annas was there too. haha. it's nice to catch up stories, especially about kekalahan kontinjen canada di midwest. haha. we lost 8-0 in a football match against some uni. mak aihh malu betul. and we didnt even win in other events. haha. well, that sure mean farisa has to be there to win. and like all the bbq in the past, i dont realli eat. i just talk and talk and talk. but some juniors like khamsani bising btol lahh. haha bug me all the time. overall, bbq was a totally fun!! ntah la when akan meet them all again. huhu...and as i expected kak farah loves the gift izyan n i gave her. we definitely knows whut our 'folks' love....

yerp, got home at 11pm and tido la beb. finally im getting my sleep after 36 hours.
and plus on saturday, ade lagi seminar itu. where this time, kerol datang!! haha haihh tuan haji ni...


Akak cun said...

we are lack with female players.. kalau tak mesti da bomb punyer..

kalau nak mengharapkan jejaka2 miang Canada yg tak abis2 dok mengorat bunga

mana la nak menang.. memanjang terpesong wawasan

Ina said...

ade junior icpu hensem ke??

fzrzk said...

hahaha...mmg ade sorang ni kacak. seperti kiakui oleh pelbagai pihak. hehe.

bab2 female players tu, adeih akak...saye kalau join pon pandai main ape je. haha. ckp je pandai~!! jejake kanada gedik...hahaha siann diorang takde calon smpai skang. . . tolong lahh carikan ye

Ariff Shazwan said...

jejaka canada gedik?
ko nak cari calon untuk jejaka2 itu?
cari untuk yg kat timur je..
yg kat barat sume dah berpunya..
notice tak?

ps - except wei kei yg sdg keliru dia nak yg mana satu... haha

fzrzk said...

haha, dah perasan dah. sape nak tulong cari utk mereka di barat... hohohoho. yg di east pon adeihhh, sila la hanta resume anda utk senang nak suit ngan calon2. ahaks

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

yang kat timur tunggu utk bidadari dari kayangan dtg...