Saturday, July 21, 2007

photo shoot at TC

haha, i just wanted to help my friend with her assignment.
the shot was at Teluk Chempedak. and the theme was "secretly in love"

and the talents are: Margie and David. lol :P it was so hard to force david into this. and yea, he turn out wearing jeans and a very bright red tshirt, when margie was wearing all white. too bad. she was totally into this. david couldnt care less about it. haha

and too bad for me, i was fasting just now. kinda dehydrated since i was under the sun all the time.

and as i expected... my job is to make up the talent. this job wasnt recruited to me earlier so, when we arrived at the beach...there's not enough make up tools!! i cant work with minimal tools. i had to have my whole tools to start working. and so, we have to head back to my house and bring along my make up bag...bazir rm1 parking...

the weather was so HOT!! i was sweating like crazy. macam biasa la kan farisa. gile ar berpeluh-peluh. nasib among kitorang je. nasib bw payung. but even the payung wasnt a big help either. masih peluh crazy jua.

tp macam biasa la kan... the photo shoot attracted so MANY people. sibuk laa nak tanye. and TC was pack with tourist at that time. even mat salleh pon stop and looked at our photo shoot. tp mmg ramai ingat magazine nye photo shoot laa. ade org arab ni stop and tgk me make up margie. then die kate sumthing in arabic. tp syikin paham arabic (cos she's staying in sudan right now) and die ckp kat kitorang. org arab tu kate: lawa la bride die. hahaha... ade plak ni org kawin. ye laa, margie was wearing all white, make sense la if sum ppl think it is a wedding shot.

hahaha...well, this is a pleasant experience for me. and as for david...keseganan pada mulanya sudah berakhir. he gets quite well with reena, syikin and margie. coolness!!!

here's few pics i took of TC...nice beach u know. 5 minutes from my house by car...

David and Margie. Bunga david: RM20, Margie: RM1.50. Love the orange daisy

Pantai Teluk Chempedak. Nice....

Another nice view of TC...

The Shooting Crew....

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