Monday, September 10, 2007

how things were run today....

today is my second day of class. and i must say i hate the first lecture today cos the class is sooo small and i couldnt realli understand what the prof is saying. kurang jelas la... tp i definitely enjoy the 3 hr lab (it's the lab for the class i missed last week). the lab will not be graded!! wohooo...and...we can eat in the lab! small lab and there's not many people. cool huh? my prof rocks the house ok!! seriously. rambut panjang...pakai jeans...slambe katak je. and he explains very clearly and im pretty much can understand him. ye la, when it comes to rock formation, sediment structure, clast variety la ape la..u realli need sumbody good to get it to u tau....and my TA...izyan ade spekulasi ttg die. hahaha. tp he dressed up mcm nak pegi party. totally semangat. maybe cos it's the first day. tp seriously, he looks good. but not that i like him ok...oh puhlizzz....(cos maybe u had that impression in ur head, so im puhlizz u awal2)

we had to look at few rock samples. and we had to decribe n draw the rock. i got to see few rocks yg ade fossils in it and mann, ade la skit geli. then i had to kinda guess how the rock got to how it looks like which is kinda cool cos we can simply guess, no harm is done. and yea, i guess it correctly...wooohooooo... ian was like "u got that right". and i was flattered. this time, my classmates are soo friendly and we kinda mix a lot. no more, farisa-izyan thing going on. but yea, we still sit close to each other in the lab. i need her memory of things to get them right. hahaha.

apart from a very tiring but exciting day a bit frustrated with a friend. hurmmm....biarlahh. saye ingat kami akan terus berhubung selepas ni. it seems it is just a summer thing. mcm the notebook lak. hahahaa. but it doesnt get that deep. hahaha... but i would certainly love to remain friends. ape salah nye. die sgt klaka and i like it. hummm....mari lah kite sigh ramai2. but like die kate, it's a busy first week. i should be more understanding :(

ps/ im getting syeeda to take our pics for hari raya ucapan..hehehe... and buffalo chicken wing sedap gilos!!! tak rugi beli 10 dollar sekotak. hehe...well that would come to just 50cent se"wing"....

btw people, if u are keen to see how my apartment looks like, go to and see them all. kalau suke bgtau. tp jgn jeles pula :P


Annas Aziz said...

apartment yang gila melampau....
kami hari ni plak ada field trip...fist field trip dah kener wat measurement lah, collecting clast lah...penat gila...

Ina said...

x aci comforter lawa!
tu ke comforter walmart tuh???

Ina said...

oh btw
summer thing?
ouch that sucks.
well its okay dear, there are so many other bugs in the garden. haha.

fzrzk said...

hehe...annas, saye tgh harap field trip ditunda!! so sanggup beb ....

hehe, itulah comforter wal mart kak eyna. cantik kann...murah plak tu. walaupon saye nak ade gamba2 tu lahh...

it is soooooo summer thing. which is fine with me now...

Ina said...

guys can really be jerk cant they?

fzrzk said...

they can be. but i know for sure that this guy is not one of them :| biar la he gets things settled dulu.... he is my friend nevertheless kann

Ariff Shazwan said... siot apartment kau... tapi ak rasa katil baru ak lagi comfy and sgt sedap sampai setiap pagi susah nak bangun tido.. jgn marah.. :P

fzrzk said... tak marah arep, sebab mmg katil saye lagi best dari kamu punye!!

n saye rase pasti katil saye lebih comel dr katil kamu ~

ninil said...

untuk pengetahuan sy juga dah beli comforter Walmart tu. Hok dark blue ada kotak2. nampaknya comforter Walmart sangat popular di kalangan student malaysia ek.

err itu ialah first trip ke Walmart oleh sy kalau kamu nak tau..

fzrzk said...

kepada ainil...selamat dtg ke walmart. jika ade ape2 inquiry, jgn hesitate tanye org walmart. haha

walaupon adelah agak susah mencari org utk bertanye :|