Pertama sekali, saye ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin buat semua. Saye sedar saye blom wish lagi kat blog. (baru perasan)
Anyways, as most of u dah tahu.....kitorang buat open house smlm. finally, i got a taste of hari raya. and tell taste good. ahahaha. had few people coming...kak unda and family, kak azia dan family, agung gedik and aunty lina.
I was so busy preparing for the night. from the morning till at night....i didnt stop and rest. i was standing most of the time!! blimey,....... later at night dah sakit kaki. since kitorang busy sgt, siap makan kat cafe hostel depan london hall. huhu then curi sudu. sebab kat kedai dah takde. korup je. nasib baik so many stuff for party can be found di dollarama. we made a mistake of buyinh the paper plates etc kat loblaws. damn. hahaha and i think in total we both spent less than CAD100 for this!! omo...................murah giler
and u know what, since kami ni student...mane laa ade bekas2 menghidang. so smlm kak azia once again came to the rescue!! die telah mengeluarkan set2 buffet die yg grand itu...and we got to use them first! and die siap sponsor ayam. i was like...err....we are supposed to pay for this party, tp tak jugak....omg, she's totally our angel here.
guess what i started cooking n stuff around 2pm. i dont even know where to start! last2 dah establish some work style lol ...masing2 ade tugas sendiri. i was in charge for the soup, and chicken. izyan sayur. then take turn goreng mee. which my recipe cmpur izyan's = mihun big hit! hahaha then byk laa mmg tak menang tgn...patut 3 org. baru best.
then smbil chicken wing tgh masak.....get ready. tp kak unda telah smpai awal. tak pakai bj kurung lagi. tp pakai sweater amik mereka!! korupppp..... and kak unda kene handle semua appetizer while saye get ready..omo...soo terukk. and when i finally did look good n stuff... :P kluar to see chicken wing dan sikit...and ade lagi satu appetizer...sudah habes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omo....tak smpat pon nak makan. adehhh...padahal ade 30 bijik tuh. hahaha big hit. ppl were asking me mane beli chicken wing. ade tuh ckp: ape sos pakai....hahaha i was like: everything is in one box. haha. and si kecik fussy hassan suke giler chicken wing tu that die merajuk tahap dasyat giler bile wing dah habes. comel je. then i made him lagi...naseb ade lagi stock. siap die kira2 and berebut ngan jamel. adoiii klaka laa kanak2 ni.
aunty lina smpai lambat skit cos die keje. n bile die smpai....omo........byk giler makanan die bwk. cheese cake, 2 big boxes of choc truffle and belgian choc!!!!!!!!!!! i love u so much aunty. she was like: korang nak ape, aunty beli kat costco ni. aduii...comel je. dah la tak habes2 puji our cooking. siap nak masuk minang lagi. hahahha klakar.
and kak unda bw some dessert too and helped us with the dishes. mcm alamak....aunty ni lak yg basuh pinggan. but the best part is kak unda n mila love the bracelet that i bought for them. beli kat sabah hari tu. crystal n pearl. and just as i thought, the colour matches each one of them perfectly.
ni dah letih dah...but all i can say, i love yesterday!! walaupon bilik ku di lepaki oleh kanak2 kerana nak main internet...and said: ur computer is so slow!. ahahaha ye ye kanak2. mmg slow...
Selamat Hari Raya. this is our official pose for hari raya. i love last year's punye lagi.
makanan yg dah habes. i didnt get the chance to take their pictures!! mmg goreng pisang panassss!!
kids invading my room!!
Mr Bryan: dont encourage mila....hahaha yea, i can see she wants to be one of the dateenz too!!
dudes..pakcik, agung, and bryan
cik intan payung farisa, cik mila n aunty lina!!
kak azia, me and kak unda
noE wAt...i wAs woNderIN wEn cAn wE CelEbratE rAya tOgeTher wIT eRybOdy elSe,....buT u lO0kEd gO0d thAt dAy!!!lUV D piCs n StilletTo!!
love your kasut raya
n.... biler nak masak utk saya pula
by the way saya dh mula mengupdate blog
so if rajin singgah2 laa
lawanye cik adik nye baju raya!
i lykee babeh!
izyan's too
:) nyer raya...
thanks y'all. we would realli love to u guys dtg sini. buat open house lagi!! hehe.
nmpaknye ramai suke kasut n bajuku. terima kasih. this year, it's turquoise! it is soo the new pink! for me at least :)
annas, jgn lahh sedey....
"patut 3 org. baru best"
adakah saya yg patut jadi org ke-3 tu?? HAHAHAHA
tu yg best buat open house..
dpt makan free..
bq kami aritu ada left over tuk dua hari makan.. haha
but yeah. mesti sedap korang masak ek.. biler nak hantar ke edmonton lak?? ;P
huhu ainil. dah sah laa kamu antara2 calon org ketiga dlm perhubungan saye-izyan....huhu...
arep, adelah pasti kami masak sodap. semua hidangan big hit. yg tinggal hanyalah dessert
yang dtg family tu orang mesia ker??
malaysia + indonesia + singapore.
heheheheh tak ajak pon kanak2 western...malas....
waaa..cayalah dateen izzy n dateen farisa..korang mmg meletop..kak farah love ur baju raya n OF COZ DA VOGUEEE SHOESS..chantek okeyh!!
u never go wrong with fried chicken wings :)
Apparently student ottawa punya menu open house share the same menu
tentative Nasi ayam & bihun goreng
heheh thanks kak farah!!!
kak azidah~!! korang tiru kami!! mesti pas bace blog farisa...dpt idea ni!!
siapa budak yg pakai baju belang2 tuh??? comel muka nya...sejuk perut ibu dia bila mengandungkan dia...
(nampak sgt saya tak fokus pd point blog farisa...farisa nak suro org tgk betapa meriah nya raya di WO and betapa berjaya nya open house mereka...dan juga baju n kasut saya fokus pada perempuan yg mempunyai muka yg manis yg mampu menyejukkan hati ku pd bila2 masa...raya confirm setahun utk jumpa perempuan manis mcm tuh...amat jarang...indah nya ciptaan Tuhan)
awak tahu siapa saya...
farisa...i need to apologize to you because i said that i will send kad raya to u..unfortunately..i was extremely busy even yasmin didn't receive any from me...:(.... sorry bad
i know exactly who u r. mcm tak biasa plak bile ade gmba cute girls. tenggelam beb farisa.
it's ok kerol. i baru plan nak gantung kad raya...dpt satu je. takde lerrrr nak gantung. abg tengku kate die mcm belom dpt je :P
oh yeah i can see how tall is mila..
p/s kem salam k lol
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