lol :P i guess only izyan would understand the title. cos i said that to her almost everyday! hahaha. if u are curious, u should watch pink panther and see the part where steve martin tries to pronounce it! seriously, it will burst ur stomach into pieces! im not kidding. it still makes me laugh until today!!!
it has been awhile since i last wrote sumthing here. i wasnt that busy and i do have a lot to write about but i just cant seem to find the time to sit down n type! i was more occupied with other things especially regarding my trip to florida. the idea was initiated by 2 people and now we have 4! fantabulous! and now lets count the days together.... :D (padahal tiket pon belom beli ahahha)
anyways, like all of u might have already known, last thursday was izzy's bday! i must say both of us had a great time eating our heart out. for only CAD11, u can eat all u want. anything except duh-uh the non halal food. nevertheless, the halal ones pon dah byk sgt.
the place is great, but during the lunch time...i think we were the only 2 who are below 25. few ppl are between 25 - 40 yrs old and the rest (almost 90%) are seniors! omg! i was starting to think i aged more than i should. haha. cos my mom was saying the other day...korang ni mcm org tua...buat open house n ajak aunty2 instead of friends of same age. i was beginning to think, this could be true. oh no!! im freaking out. hahaha nevermind. i still think like a young person. pegi florida, kite do things only kids would do! hahaha. i sooo cant wait. dont get jeles people. lol :P somehow i think i need a videocam. errrrrrrrrr.....
hummm u know what, somehow this midterms weeks had made me a little bit distant from friends. i dont talk to them like i normally do. even summer took most of our friendship away i think. once im in msia, the time difference made the gap even bigger! right now, although midterms are over for most of us, we are still not close like we are used too. plus, i do not want to bug ppl. i know this is the busiest time of the yr. and finals are coming up....i know i will be straining myself in few weeks...ooooooooooooooo i cant wait for that *sigh*. well, lets start fresh next yr, ok folks!
i just found out a scam! i got a msg from some uwo dude. i thought mcm sesama muslim message. so i just replied laa whutever he was saying. later he invited me twice for a "friendship coffee" which of course laa i declined. last friday leah asked me bout this guy so i told her all the stuff bout him. apparently, he's been inviting her roomate for a "friendship coffee" too. OMG! i cant believe my hears. rase mcm malu giler. it was a scam and die sah sah laa a scumbag! marah ni! kitorang dgr he is msging some other girl too. hah! kitorang komplot to tell her what this guy is up to. izyan punye baik cadangan: reply his msg ckp: im not interested in ur friendship coffee. tell him straight bfore he even invite her for one. hah! musnahkan scam die!!!!! emo ni.... why the hell do i always get weird guys to msg me. haihhh... and remember bout mamat perindu ape tah...?? he invited me to join online dating. OMG...drama drama....!! tahan je ler. at least im now friends with 2 very nice guys whom i got to know just by msging thru fster. hah. i guess, amazing ppl dont come around that often :(
so, signing out now....later! here are some pics from izzy's bday celebration ~
oh, the bday theme colour was purple. so got it why the text are purple??
it has been awhile since i last wrote sumthing here. i wasnt that busy and i do have a lot to write about but i just cant seem to find the time to sit down n type! i was more occupied with other things especially regarding my trip to florida. the idea was initiated by 2 people and now we have 4! fantabulous! and now lets count the days together.... :D (padahal tiket pon belom beli ahahha)
anyways, like all of u might have already known, last thursday was izzy's bday! i must say both of us had a great time eating our heart out. for only CAD11, u can eat all u want. anything except duh-uh the non halal food. nevertheless, the halal ones pon dah byk sgt.
the place is great, but during the lunch time...i think we were the only 2 who are below 25. few ppl are between 25 - 40 yrs old and the rest (almost 90%) are seniors! omg! i was starting to think i aged more than i should. haha. cos my mom was saying the other day...korang ni mcm org tua...buat open house n ajak aunty2 instead of friends of same age. i was beginning to think, this could be true. oh no!! im freaking out. hahaha nevermind. i still think like a young person. pegi florida, kite do things only kids would do! hahaha. i sooo cant wait. dont get jeles people. lol :P somehow i think i need a videocam. errrrrrrrrr.....
hummm u know what, somehow this midterms weeks had made me a little bit distant from friends. i dont talk to them like i normally do. even summer took most of our friendship away i think. once im in msia, the time difference made the gap even bigger! right now, although midterms are over for most of us, we are still not close like we are used too. plus, i do not want to bug ppl. i know this is the busiest time of the yr. and finals are coming up....i know i will be straining myself in few weeks...ooooooooooooooo i cant wait for that *sigh*. well, lets start fresh next yr, ok folks!
i just found out a scam! i got a msg from some uwo dude. i thought mcm sesama muslim message. so i just replied laa whutever he was saying. later he invited me twice for a "friendship coffee" which of course laa i declined. last friday leah asked me bout this guy so i told her all the stuff bout him. apparently, he's been inviting her roomate for a "friendship coffee" too. OMG! i cant believe my hears. rase mcm malu giler. it was a scam and die sah sah laa a scumbag! marah ni! kitorang dgr he is msging some other girl too. hah! kitorang komplot to tell her what this guy is up to. izyan punye baik cadangan: reply his msg ckp: im not interested in ur friendship coffee. tell him straight bfore he even invite her for one. hah! musnahkan scam die!!!!! emo ni.... why the hell do i always get weird guys to msg me. haihhh... and remember bout mamat perindu ape tah...?? he invited me to join online dating. OMG...drama drama....!! tahan je ler. at least im now friends with 2 very nice guys whom i got to know just by msging thru fster. hah. i guess, amazing ppl dont come around that often :(
so, signing out now....later! here are some pics from izzy's bday celebration ~
oh, the bday theme colour was purple. so got it why the text are purple??
bapak arrhh best giler ada market camtuh... cam kat vancouver..
kat alberta haram xde kedai2 camtuh.. haha.. sini westernize sgt..
vancouver is the "facebook" of canada...macam macam adaaaaaaaaaa
omg k ina x wish pon izyan!
k ina friendster pon dh x log in now....adoi...
hahaha....kann canggih london ni! tp takleh blah pegi pasar mase bday. takde logik sgt! tgk bunga2 pon lawa. bunga kt msia rm1.50, sini mahal gile. tak padan.
ek kak eyna tak wish ke??? masih belum terlambat~
yay! entah kenapa, aku rindu membaca post farisa. takde komen apa2 pun sbnrnya. kalo nak cakap pasal market tu...wolfville nie...
farisa, you know whattt
k ina br terpk
hmm kalau kat canada nihh..pegi pasar pon rasa xpe...
kalau kat msia jgn harappp
saye pergi pasar di malaysia...
pastu buat gaya "ewwww what is this"
haha...sikap yg korup.
takdelahhh, pakcik jual ikan tu...mase saye nak lalu laaa die nak simbah air. of cos laa saye melompat~
nanas jangan kutuk wolfville..but that is so true..and you know what kat sini saya tak beli lg any clothes or pants(except jacket) sbb tkder yg berkenan semua buruk..hahahhaha
oh my dear afiqah....i'll take u shopping in orlando. tolonglah bw 2 bag ye~ hehe...
u will shop until u drop babe~
bising fiqah...
oi shop shop nti igt skit kat kak ngah sorg ni!!hahahha kak ngah. ceyhhh mcm die tak nk pgi shopping~ huhu
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