therefore, i can do whatever i want...
like putting up vain pics. i-know-i-know i said i dont do vain pics, but i cant help it... lol
a.k.a Paris, Fritz, Feysa - or create what other names u wanna call me, but pls make it datinness.
anyways, u know, I used to keep track of who wish me first. lol, it's not dumb ok.
but lately, I lost track of this "wishing h.bday to farisa" list. lol.
lets go back to 2004. this is just a recall, I maybe wrong! I don't count if u call me bfore 12am.
2004: Ezuan! I know Hazim promised me to call me and made me wait all night (what the dush - tiru ariff), but in the end, Ezuan called me first and Hazim never did. bummer!
2005: I think it was Kerol...yes, I'm pretty sure Kerol was the first to call...because....he was sad that he wasnt the first to call me on 2006! so who did on 2006?
2006: I believe it was Zaid! of course, I went out with him that night! Miss him dearly! Hazim called me 10 mins bfore my, not counted! siann Zaid have to listen to my conservation with Hazim...haihhh....then how could I ever forgot the surprise bday party Ainil and Izzy n the B310 and other houses threw for me! so freaking sweet!
2007: sape ek? this year, seriously lupa! I think it was Izzy...cos she's in my room, so obviously she wished me first!
2008: my dear shafiqah wished me first!!! yeahh, luv ya girl! got lots of bday wishes, thanks a bunch! u guys are soo sweet :) Oh! We are already planning things for the next sleepover! and this time, it's curling iron baby. u curl i, i curl u. weeeeeeeeee! sweeeeeeet! finally I got what I want.
I had an Indonesian dinner just now. It was awesome! the food was good and the best part was of course playing PS2-dance evolution. U know I love dancing, so this is so my thing. considering buying them! I have pics from the dinner, just that I dont feel like putting them up. Maybe later. tonight it's all bout the extremes, namely the vain pictures!!!
thanks mus! first time eh leaving me a comment!
May you have a wonderful year ahead, may happiness and success keep coming your way, may all your dreams keep coming true, and may this same day next year, you'll be smiling happily saying "i had a good year last year!"
enjoy ur day hun.
happy bday kak ngah!!
nice jacket babesy..
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