i was doing my geochemistry lab while putting up the pictures down here. i was so stucked (yet again) and so, i decided to write smthing here instead!
"kami rasa berbangga laa juga sebab ade gak celebrity nak join trip maple syrup kami. alamak, lupa pula nak amik autograph" (Uncle Nor)
haaa, of course Uncle Nor was referring to me. aha, that was hilarious. i had a great weekend although i pretty much can say i was the "main" target for ppl to sakat! i cant think any other ppl yg kene sakat like i did. oh my!
the bottom line is, kene BLAME LINDA!
cos she made up my celebrity name: paris! just cos she said farisa is simply too long; although i assured her it is just 6 letters and therefore it is short, but she didnt buy that and so, i became Paris! and as expected, i was compared to the other paris. hope u know who is the other paris. she's famous for sure. lol. Linda, lu tanggung banyak ar ngan wa. so she make up to that by being such a sweet companion. we were awake until 5am to study, turun bawah utk makan brownies at 3am and had just 3 hrs sleep. so, thanks to u babe!
i dunno why i was so eager to go to toronto for the weekend although there's a test coming up. oh, btw, i did pretty well on my test. and i do not regret at all that i did. it's such a great weekend! despite the struggle to study n the "distraction" but i prefer it like that, rather than locked urself in a room and study, study and study. at least at aunty rahidah's house, i get to study, play and eat good food at the same time. whenever i feel all stressed out, i'll go get smthing to eat :D or play some game card with the kids. i know they love that! and i love it too! or if i dont understand a thing, i can always ask ppl <-- kurang jadi cos the person i asked pon lupa. so i'm still at the same question until today. (even neil doesnt help a lot)
anyways, enuf of the old,boring story. here's the pics n the description
this is a laporan bergambar.
get ready to be jealous folks.... especially to those in canada. hahaha
let me start with my bus trip to toronto. darn, it was early so i had to wait for mus for quite some time. i slept in the bus. haha, need that booze :D
well, mus picked me up and we went to his room n meet up with zul n mubeen there. damn their room was freaking beautiful. it was an ex-hotel so u pretty much can imagine how nice it is inside. the rent is also nice. haha, and u dont want to know how much it is. bdak2 ni perlu byk lagi belajar bout berjimat. the friday was a holiday, but i dont care and nak jugak pegi jalan2 at downtown, plus we need to get something for aunty rahidah n kak roy. so, me, mbn n mus pegi laaa jalan2 along queen's street. it's pretty much like 5th avenue, NY with all the boutiques line up along the street. but i would prefer 5th avenue of course. byk kedai tutup, but some do open. i didnt get anything though....mahu jimat wang!
so, after that pegi laa rumah kak roy where we meet up with lynn and nasri! spent few hours there bfore going to uncle nor's house.
k, this is the pics n the story!
shafiqah, farisa, irah. the hawt girls. err...perasan japs. but the seat belt was damn kacau. n yes, i'm wearing shafiqah's sunnies and she's wearing mine
our code of conduct: Y. sweet! the 2 girls are so pretty kan. oh, the bracelet that i was wearing in this pic, dah hilang :(
the guys, sitting from left: uncle taib with haris, safwan, mus, zul, uncle sukri, and mbn.
standing at the back, from left: uncle nor and nasri
hotties by the fire
from left: tak ingat name, sakinah, irah, me, lynn, kak roy, aunty rahidah, najwa, dinah and kak roy. shafi is standing at the back!!
bfore we left, we had a picnic yang takde rupa mcm picnic kat msia. see, it's all white! we had nasi lemak, meehoon, etc etc. nasi lemak jadi sejuk within 2 minit after letak dlm pinggan. sedey!! 2 round tu makan... i ignore the cold and makan and by the time of my 2nd round, girls dah masuk kereta n leave me alone with aunty2 and the boys :( so takleh makan 3rd round...
bbqing dalam garage petang2 after maple syrup trip. weeeeee!
khas utk mbn. hahaha. see, lain kali jgn kasi linda pakai ur jaket, die korek2 poket cari barang! u shud put this pic on facebook, not the other one! ni lagi byk respond ni!
ok, mmg tak byk cerite bout "paris". but mmg byk kali i got sakat. dah lali. haha. it's ok, i'm always the drama queen. i dont think i can live without being one :D but i'm not a diva. lain tuh
ok, as usual. this trip also result in some kinda thoughts. very2 evoking! kene selesaikan. thanks kak roy for pointing that out. saye nak cari kepastian ni :)
Pharis...that's a great easter weekend. menurut harun, hari easter adalah hari ketimuran...
"i can;t live without being one. but i am not a diva"
k ina xleh stop laughing
anyway, nice pics, looks like u had a great time
adoii, klaka bebenor ke kak eyna? hehehehe..
Cik Paris!!!!!!!Saya nak pegi New York summer nih!!!can't wait..and yes i wanna go to Toronto too:(
weeee!! seronok nye semua org pon nak berjalan2. hun, u better enjoy urself. i'm going to NY too this summer! weeeeeeeeeee
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