Saturday, December 1, 2007

messy room = u r studying for finals!! nice equation!

tell me, who is not stress this time of the year??

im all stress out for my finals.
mainly cos the dates of each exams are pretty close to each other. i was wondering if im able to study all of them properly!
but, i kinda feel lucky cos most of the stuff are quite similar to one another. if passive margin was mentioned in ES200, it is again mentioned in ES260. so it is a double take. plus geography is also stressing about earth and its structure for this final! damn..this is pretty much lucky lucky!
nevertheless, the ones that are not bertindih pon byk. lol

right now, i dont even care how my room looks like. i have books and papers all over the desk. im studying on my bed with my laptop on my lap (name pon laptop), my clothes from pegi class are also on my bed + tonnes of papers as well. pretty much, im sleeping with them!! cos i dont remove or clear them up bfore i go to sleep. huh. malas! cos tomorrow i would wake up and make a mess again, so just let them all there! then i have my washed-clothes that have been folded nicely in the basket. i dont even bother to put them back in the closet. hah. malas malas malas. im so focused. (blahhh) and sometimes i got drifted like checking my emails, friendster, facebook and THIS! haha. and chatting as well. gosh~ they are drifting me away from mineralogy.

i bet u r saying: off ler laptop tuh. the problem is i cant! cos if while im studying n suddenly i stumble across some stuff that i dont know..i can just goggle it! seriously, convenient. sometimes i check the textbooks or my notes. but yea, tell me who is soo keen to do that. that is why my laptop is my source to work and play!

hummm...then i have the planning part. what else! i have to do serious and careful planning of florida trip. kami kan pihak penganjur. afiqah and hafizah are the participants. lol. up until now, i have bought all the tickets (theme parks and flight) except for disney. had some complications with the disney website.apa daaa... im expecting to spend USD1000 on all those things, including hotel. im kinda worry bout the hotel. cos i forgot when i booked, did i put 2 adults or 4. hahaha otherwise kene laa sneak2... mcm laa tak penah buat kann. anyways, ke"terer"an izyan mencari deal terbukti bile jumpe tiket pergi balik pada harga USD190. this is a good price. and we are flying at good times too. not to early and not that late. so, sweeeet! throughout the process of buying the flight tickets...our main slogan was "the luck of clicking". hahaha cos seriously 2 people trying to find the same ticket to go to the same place at the same time may get 2 different price. when i checked, it was 79, and when izzy was cheaper than that. so u gotta be lucky...huh...

arghhh it is a super eye sore to look at my room now! luckily i have a double bed. somehow izyan's room is pretty neat. haha. what happened!!

back to mineralogy...

oh the other day, my dad was showing off to me how much he knows bout crystals. i find it funny and semangat. i know he wants to know whatever that i know. that is why he bothers to read bout earth science. padahal this is way off from his field! hari tu he told fardia, "u at least have to be able to recognise granite. and after awhile...u have to know shale". i was like....errrr ok daddy. semangat sikit ye my dad. yea, my dad pretty much knows everything. he is MR-KNOW-IT-ALL. i was going through his books, and i found The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. i go..OMG! i was looking at the 2 books in kinokuniya with the intention to buy them, but i didnt cos they are expensive...without knowing that my dad dah beli pon. i tried to read the 2 books, but what the heck...they have the TV version of it. so i just watched the tv series. ahahah..paham jugak. daddy, daddy....sometimes i wonder...habes ke bace each book? lol :P

signing out!


Ariff Shazwan said...

isk pemalas..
haha.. :P

lamanya plan trip..
ak n amar dah settle sume..
juz few little things je lagi..
can;t wait for the holiday.. :D

fzrzk said...

nk wat cmner i took it slowly! too many details la... plus involve so many ppl. have to consider them too

hehee...pemalas tu no komen

Annas Aziz said...

siutt jer arep yer. nampaknya kita semua siutt jer, cuti ni nak menyengkit jer kejer...

by the way farisa, i think reading mmg best gilos, lagi2 kalau out of field kita.

i was so amazed by my mineralogy prof, dia boleh tahu pasal cosmos2 nie semua, satu persatu. gile respek...

fzrzk said...

tu prof tgh buat kajian about iron meteorite. tah hape2 die ckp dlm klas, saye pon tak paham.
then i told my dad..die pon ingat anak die pandai sgt lalu suruh study gak sal cosmo2 ni. .. .. byk lahhh ni pon dah tak larat