Thursday, November 11, 2010

Snap snap!

Oh well, some photos from my balik kampung trip to Kuantan. It is against my norm to take pictures of Kuantan, but what the hell kampung sendiri lagikan dikenang kan... So I took lots of snaps :)
After some major harassment from my cousins and work colleagues on my tudung bawal hitam & putih, I decided to give selendang a try to make them happy. The selendang was provided by my cousin. I still think I like tudung bawal more; although I got compliments even from a stranger at a boutique.

NASI DAGANG Mama buat. Acar je hasil tangan tiga orang. LOL

The Goofies.

Orang asal Kuantan yang pulang ke kampung halaman.
Surething TC is much different than so many years ago.
It's cleaner now and you actually want to take a dip.

Small Saturday crowd.

Cousin interested in rocks...

The Goofies are also interested in rocks

Yours Truly doing her suicidal jump that caused her thigh muscle to tear :(
No physical activities for 2 weeks.

To the other side of Teluk Chempedak

I'm waiting for a passerby to jump

Mommy and baby

True nature :p


Sekolah pertama lagikan dikenang ;) Been wanting to go back in ever since 1999.

So folks. Have a great weekend ;)
I dont have anything super exciting for this weekend, other than to finish my presentations! Wahh!

1 comment:

Farien said...

ahaa... sekolah aku dulu.. masih engt raja x..?