Monday, May 30, 2011


There will come a day where nothing is right. Your emotions twitch like a flick of a switch and soon you realise they are pointless. It will go wrong. Planning is one thing; hoping is another. Put your hopes high you will then crumble. Maybe I am wrong to think I have the control; to be able to hold certain things for certain.

and Wrong!

One thing I never seem to grasp is how trivial I am compare to the major things surrounding me. I like to think I am important, but look at me, I'm puny! You can say I am important to you, but the truth is, truth does not lie. Of all the big things, I am the smallest. I do not regret, but everything has an order. Mine happens to be the last. Yes, what am I talking, you say? Nevermind, these thoughts are trivial.

P/S: Feels like eating donuts!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


What more can a Sunday cries for other than to read a book. I got my copy of The Eyre Affair as a bday gift and I'm pretty much dedicating my Sunday to it. Even well proposal takes the side line today.

I'm in Kuantan right now and I feel the need to write something here after leaving my blog unattended for about 2 months now. Very unlike me. Not to say I'm busy, but more like suddenly, I don't have a voice, no thoughts to be conveyed here. Until now, my stories were half written. I put a full stop not at an ending, but at mid-way. I can't seem to finish my story for some reason and why? I can't tell myself.

I have a few thoughts to share; some of which I even have titles for them, but I couldn't commit myself to writing them out! Sigh. One I hope I can finish writing is entitled "Local". The guess is all yours. Nevertheless, it is something I wish I can allow myself to explain. Not because it is condemning, but it is nurturing. Urgh, I need time to properly write it out. Please let me find more time in this world. Please please please...

p/s: I like my nails polished.