Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Motherhood talk

When it comes to feeding your baby, you have three choices: breastfeeding, formula milk or mixed the two. I chose the former. Little did I know it is a hard work! I admire those who were able to nurse their baby until 2 years old, especially when you have a full time job. I have my support group at work and a cousin who is an advocate for this. From them, I believe this is possible! Sometimes I do have that thought of would not it be easier to give formula milk, especially when you are out and about. That thoughts lingers in my head for quite a bit. I guess I was looking for a shortcut, but who wouldn't? For now, I'm trying my best. But between that long minutes (it seems so!!) of pumping and nursing, I do find a silver lining that is I get some time for myself :) 

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