Sunday, August 19, 2007

ignorance, can we live by it?

i may know some ppl who are ignorant. but sometimes, i asked that question back to myself. am i ignorant myself? i cant decide for that. maybe, if i do, some people would tell me so. something for sure, i cant live by ignorance. but somehow, i dont know how to make people stop being one. i really hate when i did all the work, and some people just think i dont deserve any credit, apetah lagi any reward. i dont really ask for any of that, but a simple thanks is good enough or maybe dont question me why i get such reward. or maybe when i, again, did all the work, but it is not perfect and it is causing serious anger in some people, and so...they blame me. i know i was to be blame, but sometimes i cant avoid that too. it just frustrates me that after the hard work i have to do, all i get is the blame. crappy!! ppl should learn to show gratitude. everybody deserves ur simple "thank you". i know there are times farisa being plain ignorant, but im aware that im being ignorant to him/her, and most of the time, i purposely did that. saje2 je.

all i try to point out is: dont just ditch out ppl who have helped u. or ignore them for God sake! they are in no position to that. i always get ditched, but i just complain to myself. now im letting it all out. cos of few things that happened over and over again without him/her/they even realising it. i dont go tell them simply to jage hati mereka...but in my heart, im like shouting at them...

i say no more, cos it hurts. so many ignorant things happened this weekend. i malas to mention one by one. i may look happy on the surface, tp dalam sebenarnye nak marah. which sometimes i portrayed the anger and so i was called si pemarah up until today =>

p/s: im dying to watch o brother, where art thou?. heard some say it is a funny movie. tp kat kedai dvd ade jual ke?


Ina said...

jgn disimpan sgt farisa..
sometimes we have to let them know kalau nk jaga hati pon susah juge

fzrzk said...

i have to agree ngan akak. biasa la farisa ni tak reti to put things in words