That's my motivation for today and maybe for the rest of my fourth year. Who said that to me? Haaa...
It was from an unlikely person, but nevertheless I'm taking it all in, for sure cause what he said is true.
....I have to want it and when you get it, own it!
I guess that is the case for the interview with Petronas as well. The interview was last week, if you've been reading my blog...u would have know that already. It went well, I guess although there are some parts where I wish I could have done better. Right now, I'm suffering from the typical-farisa-syndrome-after-an-interview: I should have say something else AND I could have given another example. The words keep lingering in my head. Seriously, I felt at a disadvantage going into the interview first cause I have no reference or I don't know what to expect. Well, at least I can get it over with and the interviewer cannot compare me to anybody ;)
The structure of the interview has 3 parts,
1. About yourself
2. Case study (just as Educamp, just no group discussion)
3. Role Play
I did well in 2 and 3, but not about myself. HAHAHA how korup is that? I think I was still trying to be comfortable at that time that I forgot some of the qualities I should be talking about! Aiyaaa. Takpe, I pretty sure she can judge me correctly based from my answers. And I think my experience at SIFT had helped me a lot in my interview because I can give them clear examples of my beliefs, especially when it is related to the industry LOL. So, any geologist wannabes in Canada, pls pls apply for SIFT if you have the chance :) Definitely will look good on your resume and excellent place for networking; and in my case, good during Petronas interview. HAHA
Other than that...gembira utk jumpa my friends aka the Mafia! We played mafia that night and again, for 4 years I didn't get the chance to be the mafia! Damn. 4 years is long bro! Ahhh! And you wouldn't guess this, I changed my game plan. This time, I was more reserved and I would just talk when I need to talk. Hah. It worked! Cause I didn't the chop early in the game Hikssss.
Humff, dah laa malam dinner tu...I wore baju kurung. Obvious kot tak bace email properly!! AHH! I should wear "formal clothes". Nasib baik my kurung wasn't the red one. Hehe. Well, it feels good to be different AWW! For the interview, I go ALL BLACK neck - toe. That was on purpose. Like I said before, that new blazer definitely made me look sharp. Everybody said so, except Ariff : kau pakai jaket mcm nak naik motor... :( je
Well, sorry laa Ariff, blazer tu walaupon kilat...dah ramai yg suke. Aww! Rock-a** outfit tau orang msg sy ckp Hehe.
Haha, gamba buruk skit... this was taken at 7.30 am kotttt! takleh bukak lampu, org tgh tido :(
OK sekian. FOr more pictures, go check out my facebook album. I can't post the link here somehow Humff
later gators.