Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hansel & Gretel

They say patience is a virtue.
But if we cannot bring ourself grounded to a certain poise and manner, we are nothing near patience. And the thing about patience is it is not in everybody. Just that I believe it will be in everybody if we choose to have it.

Then, take goodness.
Goodness at times is masked by that one mistake one made. You repent from it. You live your life away from it. It does not defines you. Not at all. But one choose to close one's eyes to what is more important. And that very mistake seems to be more obvious than others.

Then, take knowledge.
They say knowledge is power. With knowledge, everything is possible. But knowledge is power. People lost sight at what it means. They think having knowledge to themselves is power. That is where one lost the track. Share the knowledge because that is the power one holds, the ability to be knowledgeable.

Then, take me.
I choose to be patient, I choose to see the good in people and I choose to be knowledgeable.
I am not lost, but maybe I need some bread crumbs to remind me where the right paths are.


Anna Mohamed Amin said...

wow. this is deep...

fzrzk said...

hmm i guess i need that reminder eh.