Friday, June 1, 2007


mann!! i just saw pictures of Harun during his Midwest trip. tak adill...they all had lots of fun. how i wish i was there. hummm, kinda regret that i went back early. there's lots of things that i missed :(

they went to Niagara Falls and Toronto. darn~ Niagara is only an hour plus from my place and yet...i didnt get the chance to go there just yet. they drove all the way to chicago from ottawa. my bet it was an 18 hours drive since ottawa-london is 8 hours and london-chicago is 10 hours. haha, simple addition. darn...they could have just stop at london n pick me up...sob sob sob.

and a good friend of mine told me that i should have watched him in action in the Games. haha...sorry mate, i couldnt but i guess u did ok though i could be ur loudest cheer-er.

tp i didnt see pics of my 'family' gathering. most of the pics are harun n kontinjen canada. where are the US peeps? mcm tak jumpe pon. takpe least their summer holidays ade sikit meaningful. pegi jalan2, better than me yg terperuk di rumah sahaja.

however, in 2 weeks going to this seminar. name die seminar legasi tun razak. haha, mcm serius je name. im the work force there. i dunno yet my duty there, but i guess i would have to be the usher. something like that la kot. and the most exciting part is that i would meet so many important people. i know 2 of the moderators: en. khairil jamaludin n dato' mokhzani mahathir. haha, yg lain not that famous for me to know. and one of the speakers is tun haniff omar who is the pengerusi for Yayasan Tun Razak. haha, farisa get prepare for the ceramah. hopefully there's something to it. and yea, i think the only reason why im going is to meet my friends. but up until today, i didnt know just yet who are going. my seniors ade la...adli, abg tengku n abg ayaz. yg lain belom konfirm. hummmm...farisa je yg semangat.

humm, i've been reading ppl's blog. and my opinion is: my blog is darn membosankan! ahaha...i dunno how to make it any more interesting... bior ar dok...gini pong molek jugok...


Ariff Shazwan said...

ehem2.... seeing who in action??

ninil said...

kedengaran seperti meriah babeh midwest game year ade lg x??if ade moh la ramai2 buat rombongan cik kiah.

mung ni semangak deh. tok abih2 deney progreng tun razak.

Anonymous said...

i KNOWWW ehh
see WHO in action??

yer farisa. hidup mmg bykkk dugaaan...
blk awal sape suruh. bwk hati ke?

teruk kan k ina mengusik

btw xkisah la blog org lain guane, janji kwn2 awk yg setia duk baca
thats enuf babeh, we dun need publisiti, publisiti comes to us

fzrzk said...

haha...ade la kawan tuh ckp die macam best kat midwest. isk korang ni. ske tol gosip2.

arep weyhhh : dah hanta result?? huhu

kepada cik puan kak ngah ainil, tahun depan ade lagi program itu. mmg kite kene serbu beb. ape kes kontinjen kanada dtg dari ottawa je. tak menggambarkan diversiti org kanada.

kepada kak eyna muahaha (tiru izyan)...mane ade bw hati. tersemangat time tuh nak pulang. huhu siap ade list perkara2 nak buat lagi tau... list perkara nak makan. haa, sebegitu semangat sekali. bab2 publisiti...i couldnt agree more with u. mmg sah kite ni glam-ooo hehehe

Anonymous said...

setuju dgn year kita icpu family kene turun padang utk midwest tak tau lagi next year akan dibuat dekat mana...but fur sure its gonna be fun...saya jumpa "family" kita disana... but x tangkap banyak gambar sbb camere abis bateri...dan amar lah org pertama yg saya jumpa bukan nyer dia nak menyambut ngan salam...dia main jerit "hoi!" aje...banyak permainan2 yg menarik awak sumer boleh main...ader congkak, badminton, catur, bowling, volleyball (saya nak wat team utk sukan ini), tennis and mcm2 lagi...for ur info...kalo nak pergi...baik wat roadtrip...sbb awk boleh stop di tempat2 yg menarik along the way...x tau awk ader blog...menarik gak dpt baca apa yg awk tulis...apa2 pun keep up the good work and jg diri di malaysia...

fzrzk said...

lol harun, dah agak dah itu kamu yg tulis. hehe. tahun depan insya Allah kite pegi la ramai2 ok~!!

Akak cun said...

actually, i was thinking about u 2 girls in London (kak wani dr High Comm ada mentioned about korang masa jumpa kat NY) and mentioning to one of the lads here. TAPI depa cakap korang dah balik mesia.

Ingat nak buat satu team female futsal dr Canada. plus we have a lot of space in the van.

Anyway, ada usulan nak buat ala2 midwest games for canadian students only since Canada ni dah nak jadik kampung melayu.

Keep in touch la.. kalau nak turun ottawa pun bisa.. my apt kosong maa