Wednesday, September 19, 2007

my name is farisa

how do u spell that...


owh i thought ur name is theresa

hahaha...very funny

u r the second person to think my name is theresa.

first was max back in taylors. tp itu takpe....sebab max kacak :P

*lab today takde org2 korup, but i couldnt finish it even after 3hrs of looking at crystal models*


Ina said...

gile x glamour theresa..farisa la the bomb kan??
theresa cam nama org tua je
btw k ina nye case lak, org slalu tny "instead of calling the LAST THREE letters of your name, why dont you make THE FIRST three letters of your name as your nickname a.k.a NUR"
pk pk blk, i should have done that..sbb ina bukan ade makna pon

fzrzk said...

omg kak eyna!! mmg betul. farisa is wayyy better than theresa...

lol teringat cikgu name theresa dulu kat taylors

ninil said...

oi pink nampak!

ehem2 first max ye? max kacak ye?

haha kasik can la..

fzrzk said... is farisa
harap maklum