Sunday, October 28, 2007

kegembiraan + gedik? + laser jet printer

yo. haha

i deleted the last post cos i sounded too emotional. and since i dont want to be one anymore (at least im trying not to)....i deleted the post. was a happy day~!!
done with all the readings for geography. but, i still need to revise them later this monday. and yea, had a great time talking to my friend. yey....we havent talk on the phone (or mic in this case) for almost 2 weeks. and darn we have a lot to talk about. dari meja berpindah ke baring2 hahaha.

tahu kan, what kinda stories i've been watching lately?? it's gol n gincu 2 and gossip girl.
humm all the gedik girls story. so i was thinking: do i fall into this category as well?? haha
and so i feel like trying out: heheh if i want something, will he make it happen for me? and of course, the real test utk gedik is: what DO i do to make sure die buat juga, no matter what it takes! kalau korang paham laa challenge ni. end result: im gedik. i can tell. if u r reading this, itu was for fun. u know u tak leh bace blog i~ adeihh teringat kat dan yg akan buat ape2 pon utk serena. huhu sweet~!!

forget the fun part, when actually this is how i feel right now

somehow, i kinda feel im pushing u away from me. i dunno if this is just my thoughts or u r feeling the same way too. but im sorry if u do. tp i dont wish to say all the things i said :)
i think by now, u've figured out that i'm like that, but i dont mean it.. it's just my nature i think. but yea, i just ckp whatever i feel like saying. i dont normally filter things coming out of my mouth hehehehe...hahahaha. i think mcm takde laa kes laser jet printer (quote kak eyna)


lalala...tgh pakai tshirt alberta ni .... bangge tak cik ainil + arep gemm.... hahaha u r still my arep gemm walaupon dah kurus skit...

aduiii kain yg dilipat perlu dikembalikan ke station masing2!! i have lots of clothes....i know....


Ariff Shazwan said...

hek eleh nak gak arep gemm tuh..
kang nanti tgk jadi arep tough lak.. :P

alaa mana ada ko gedik.. definisi gedik bagi lelaki ialah macam... emm it's not good giving names here... but kalau ko nak tgk gedik... tgk bapuk2 kat bapuk kat you tube wan tuh.. hahahahaha... tu definitely gedik..

about xleh filter word... emm kadang2 kita kena filter gak..sebab obviously ramai org cepat sgt terasa... sometimes kita terlebih ckp, sometimes derang sendiri xnak judge diri derang sendiri.. so better kita senyap je.. :)

fzrzk said...

arep gemm tetap di hati. hahahaha

aku tak gedik ke?? terasa macam dowh. aku nak gak rase jadi gedik. huhu dah cerita ar kat ainil perkara itu...die kate ade skit gedik. huhu

haaa nanti aku try2 laa filter words aku :(