Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mencuri Kebahagian

Happiness is not in a box of chocolate, even if it is Ferrero Rocher. Actually, I is a temporary happiness 'cause it will be gone soon after you eat all 30 pieces. You can either go out and spend another $9 on another box or just sit home and wonder why did you eat that effing last piece. Whichever way, I crave for a longer "happiness".

So, here is my story...
"OK, one box of chocolate gone!". I had one piece everyday, but when stress kicks in (or hunger,LOL) I took another piece while trying to tell myself it's okay to have more than one that day. I was happy for awhile until I'm done with it. Huh, chocolate deprived? Hell no. Chocolate is fattening, so you should be thankful you finished that sinful box of chocolate and move on to eating carrots and hummus. Little that I know, I'm not done with it. It might be deprivation and what not, but I think that is the thing that keeps me happy and so, I want to have it all the time. You know, like it is mine! All mine. It was a little too late when I realised I shouldn't have eaten the last piece 'cause when it is gone, all I can think of is that silly decision to eat it. Huh. So much for that. Maybe, if I keep that last piece...I will be happy? I would not know because I effing ATE it! It is all temporary. So now, I ask myself, kalau orang lain makan coklat tu jugak, boleh tak nak curi sikit supaya saye happy balik? Haha. Tak baik mencuri, that's my conclusion.

Life is short, go make it great!


PS: This week was all cookies and cream!! Buddies came over to London and I had the best time touring downtown and cooking for them!!! Now, I AM deprived of Linda, Sarah and Nasri!!!!


Linda Anuar said...

awwww babe... :') i miss youuuuuuu, i miss playing catan with you and saraaahhh. we HAVE to play the online version together. perhaps next weekend okay :) taaaaaaaaaaa

fzrzk said...

oh dear, i forgot about the online game! yes yes! kene main online version!
miss u tooo linda :)

Ariff Shazwan said...

adakah ini mempunyai hidden meaning? kalau betul, then tekaan ak betul. haha..

by the way, i also want happiness to be forever but it is impossible. Every now and then, ujian akan datang untuk menguji kita. So kena sabar dan banyak berdoa.. :D

p/s - jiwa meronta! haha

fzrzk said...

mmg ler ade hidden meaning, takkan aku nak ckp sal makan chocolate kot. hahahaha. aku nanti tanye ape intepretasi kau :D