Sunday, February 22, 2009

Earth is Old

Try to compile Earth's long geologic time into 24 hours,
you will find human beings made their first appearance at 23:59:30 hour.

Earth IS old, we ARE new. Yet, we can destroy Earth in a split second and have the courage to even do so.


Ariff Shazwan said...

Itulaa pasal.. Humans are ungrateful bastards... Tapi bukan semua laa macam itu.. :)

Eh.. ak tak ske giler theory Darwin.

fzrzk said...

wooo marah nmpak arep oii

darwin nye theory i can accept some parts of it. tp yang manusia datang dari monyet adelah salah...aku baru blaja nih. huhu.
yang kau ni plak tetibe ckp sal darwin pe kess...

Nasri said...

What is more interesting is to know what happened before the big bang. I'm somehow attracted to the idea of parallel universes which exist as membranes that move towards and away from each other. The last time our membrane collided with a neighbouring one, the energy were converted to the big bang. The next time, it could be hari kiamat??? Woo now that's interesting. It's string theory, google it up! hahaha

ninil said...


fzrzk said...

nasri, yerp. i've heard of string theory. the idea is rather compelling, don't u think. 11 dimensions in spacetime, instead of 3+1? that is beyond my thinking, as of now. lol. i watched bryan greene "the elegant universe" in first year. i was all jumping up and down when i heard bout string theory. tah kenape. i guess i was attracted to it just like u are.

ainil bebe: playa lake satu utk kamu :P

Annas Aziz said...

kenapa kau letak thin section sebagai header kau? rimas arr.
then kau tukar color dia plak tuu. macam high plak...

fzrzk said...

wey, im staying true to my igneous fascination!

i was bored one saturday morning, so i played with the colours. lepak ar annas, header dulu dah lama sgt... decided to change it. tp takde perkara nak letak, so sy letak thin section :D weeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

yg ini saya tak yang ini Tuhan punya cerita...Tuhan yg ciptakan alam ini...kan senang! huh!

tak yah letak nama, kalau adik beradik kamu mesti tau siapa yg tulis ini. ayat "Tuhan punya cerita" itu ayat saya :)

fzrzk said...
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fzrzk said...

im just gonna pretend i know who this person is...