A quick update: Britney Spears concert is next week! We've decided to take the bus instead of driving...too much hustle renting a car in Canada. Oh well, Canada is a bit more "structured" than USA. Grrrr!! In the US, they don't even want to look at my International Driving License. Even the police, too.
Summer plans: I'm beginning to panic bout my summer plans! Because it is screwed when Neil didn't get all the grants he applied for, and so he cannot hire anymore student. So basically, what should I do?
I received my "hidung" camera last week! what a relief to get it back! The best part is, it looks brand new. Olympus not only changed the damaged LCD, but also the some parts on the LCD panel had depression holes in it. So now, shiny looking camera ready to serve me once again :)
Here are some of the pictures I took with it. Mostly they are the things I bought during my winter trip.
I sure glad I bought it :) Annas, tolong jangan jeles.

Hollywood "car plate" and an old world map which is hidden underneath these four pictures.
True enough. This is a radio where I can also plug in my iPod and play my songs out loud. Bought it cause it is Hard Rock and cause it is cheap. I just love that it is retro-looking.
All these for 15 dollars! Bought it at UWO's Outcrop Club Rock Sale last month. As you can see, I bought tourmaline (black, large mineral in a rock), pumice (light, volcanic rock - the left most), rugose (2nd left, and it's a fossil), and I don't know if you can see this, there is a green, elongated apatite mineral in the second largest rock in this picture. The small ones are a bit tough to describe...

humm, not even sure if it fits in that category. UWO rugby jersey is damn pricey! I remember Harun asked me to buy it for him, but he backed out when he found out the stripes' colour are purple and white. haha

I told myself, even before arriving in LA that I must go to, and buy something from Kitson, regardless of the price! Enough said. We went to Beverly Hills on Xmas Day, so Kitson was closed :( However, the next day, we managed to persuade the boys to go Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive once more just so that we can shop! haha Luckily we got our car already, so I drove to Rodeo Drive and dang! the jam was massive! Naseb baik, kereta lawa... nak compete ngan kereta2 org lain, sangat la fancy... I parked the car somewhat far from Rodeo Drive, and just walked there. I just had 2 places to go: Polo Ralph Lauren and Kitson. We end up looking for toilets first. Haha.
Yea, tinggal je bdak2 laki dalam kereta. Let them get their beauty sleep, despite the fact I'm the one driving! cess!
Dah, semangat pulak cerite ape berlaku 2 bulan lepas. heh.
Sorry =P
Now nak pegi masak ayam madu kot, sebab teringin bile tgk kat fotopages sorang aunty nih. korup...Don't worry, still trying my best to eat healthy. Just that, sometimes, ice cream dlm freezer tuh love to tempt me so bad!
Yea, tinggal je bdak2 laki dalam kereta. Let them get their beauty sleep, despite the fact I'm the one driving! cess!
Dah, semangat pulak cerite ape berlaku 2 bulan lepas. heh.
Sorry =P
Now nak pegi masak ayam madu kot, sebab teringin bile tgk kat fotopages sorang aunty nih. korup...Don't worry, still trying my best to eat healthy. Just that, sometimes, ice cream dlm freezer tuh love to tempt me so bad!
Nak ice-cream jugak...
I have to say that I like the collection of items that you have lying around; serious cam cool :)
me too. Your collection sgt cool
heh. ice cream dah nak habes!! tapi...
ade lagi satu balang! gilos.
sedap tau irving. check out chapman mocha almond! nak pengsan sedap...
to irving and afiqah: thanks! duit pengaliran utk collection pon besar kan?? haha
mmg best ada collection..
tapi nak buat balik malaysia mmg pain in the ass.. so that's why ak tak beli apa2 sgt kecuali fridge magnet..
camne ko nak bawak balik nih?
ak snowboard pun nak bawak balik gak.. haha.. nak snowboard kat korea.. :)
nanti balik malaysia baru nak start collection.. nak pergi jepun.. beli all the models yang ak tak dpt beli haritu sebab malas nak bawak balik canada...
welcome back hidung :D bulu misses you!
ariff: best ade collection. dah laa sy baru start dongg. collection pon beli mende2 murah je mcm poscard n batu tuh! shot glass tu pricey sikit lol
pasal bawa balek ke msia....dah lama fikir gak tuh. hopefully takde masalah besar..
lynn: heh lynn, rindu kamu juge!
tidak!!! tidak!!! tidak!!! nak jugak!!!
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