Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh So Wrong

I went to some kids festival here in London last Saturday. And I wanted to get a face paint. It was free, so I said, maybe I should just get a small PEACE sign.

Is this some new PEACE sign I'm not aware off??
and it's big...

I argued with the girl and boy there, and they were super convinced this Mercedes Benz logo is a PEACE logo. Geez! I saw the other girl (another face painter) had a peace logo too on her cheek.'s not a peace logo. It was a freaking Mercedes Benz logo.

Another OMD moment for me.
Since there are so many kids in line, I just don't want to argue. I can only hope nobody is thinking I'm promoting Mercedes Benz by any chance.

The real deal



Anna Mohamed Amin said...


Linda Anuar said...

pity them... hahahahaha

fzrzk said...

yeah. ape lah budak2 nih. tak peace lover betul!

fzrzk said...

...... i have to sign in kat sini...sorry yer. cant find where to sign in kat new layout ni. shish!