Saturday, June 27, 2009

Money does not matter

I have a story for you. So, read it 'cause it is a short one.

It's a story about one person selfless heart. What came out of it? ... A lot. There is a girl who wanted to further her study in University, but cannot afford the expensive tuition fees. Somehow this person knew about her problems and decided to pay her tuition fees for all the years she's in the university; although this person is not a wealthy person at all. Now, she's all done with University, she asked this person, "How can I repay you cause I would love to do so" and this person just say, "You don't have to pay me anything. Just, if you have the chance to do the same to others, DO IT." And it has been years since this story started. And guess what? I know these two people, maybe one more than the other. She said, "Even if I work my whole life, I would not be able to pay my debt to this person."

So, what say you?
I say, the more you give the more you get.
And I do see this person having more to life than anything else. Murah rezeki that is.

- FZ

Cause I forgot to tell you how much I love this picture!
Bear comel!
Picture by Mbn, taken at
Coca Cola Store, Las Vegas


baim syd barrett said...

farisa,saya telah menge'link'an blog kamu di blog saya.terima kasih:)

fzrzk said...

baiklah baim. ape yang nak diterima kasihkan?? lol jasa anda dihargai :)