Saturday, October 2, 2010

One step at a time


1. Rock climbing: Something I've always wanted to try. Plus, I gotta work on those toned arms! And I know guys "hate" girls with toned arms (as they keep mentioning it to me), but I seriously don't care.

2. Jogging at KLCC park after work: This would be amazing! Everyday when I go to work in the morning I would be asking myself "Here I am, trying to make a living while others are enjoying life". The thing is I could be doing that too if I have the initiatives and the right motivation!

3. Do yoga: I have all the gears ready! I just need a kickstart here. I know the fatwa says it's haram. But I believe it is haram when chanting is incorporated into it. There is nothing wrong with the movements and what not. This is just my opinion :)

4. Travel to a place truly amazing: I have few places in mind already :) and I don't see myself doing this in few years time, but this will definitely be the priority to me!

5. Read more and more books: I've been like a snail trying to read a book! I should aim to finish a book within a month. Currently, I'm reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. My next reading list would be 1984 (by George Orwell) and I Know This Much is True (by Wally Lamb).

6. Be a volunteer/do charity work: Must always give back right?

p/s: Not a fan of the gym. Why pay close to RM200/month when you can just go jog outside?


irvingtan said...

The bit with your post that I paling agree about is the post-script lol.

I find it always helps to outline your thoughts and dreams and hopes prior to getting started on them. Have fun with your goals Farisa! I always do with mine; and reading about yours always makes for good fun =)

irvingtan said...

Hai ibu.

PS - Asal comment saya macam slalu hilang je? o.O

fzrzk said...

Haha. mana ade disappear...belom sempat approve laa Irving! sorry bangat.

im happy to know you find my to do list is exciting!